
Vermont Archaeology

Vermont Archaeology Society (VAS)

VTarchaeology2Formed in 1968, The Vermont Archaeological Society (VAS) is a non-profit volunteer organization comprised of professional and avocational archaeologists and the interested public. The Society is committed to raising the awareness of Vermont’s past, while at the same time protecting its valuable cultural resources from injury and exploitation. Ask us about VT Archaelogy or share comments. To feature your business, contact us.

Vermont Archaelogy Society

photo courtesy of Vermont Archaeological SOcietyThe Vermont Archaeological Society embraces the interests of prehistoric, historic, underwater, and industrial archaeology. Its membership is comprised of people with interests in all of these fields. It supports archaeology in the state in many ways, and functions as a forum for information exchange between professionals and avocationals. Ultimately, it is committed to educating the public about the cultural heritage of the state of Vermont.

The VAS hosts a wide range of exciting activities each year. The Society sponsors both a Spring and Fall meeting, which brings together guest lecturers for the presentation of reports and papers relating to a broad spectrum of topics pertaining to archaeology in Vermont. The biannual meetings also serve as an opportunity for members and non-members to gather for social and professional communication, and to conduct the society’s business.

The VAS, in partnership with the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, and supported by the Vermont Agency of Transportation, also sponsors the annual Vermont Archaeology Month in September. This month-long series of events is truly a grass-roots state-wide public outreach effort.

The VAS also publishes an eNewsletter, which serves as a vehicle to update the membership on the Society’s activities and on information pertaining to local archaeological or historical projects or events.
Archaeology is the study of people in the past through the materials they have left behind. The human past extends far earlier than is covered in written records. For most of humanity’s time on earth, the only record of who we were, where and how we lived, and where we came from is buried. Even for more recent history, many aspects of people’s lives are never recorded. By examining sites and artifacts, archaeologists discover our hidden history and tell the story of the human experience. Archaeology is a bridge between the past, the present and the future. Items lost or left behind by the past occupants of sites give archaeologists clues to the past and often help them to understand and interpret the present and the future. The objects we leave behind today may tell future archaeologists about the cultures, values and lifestyles of the early 21st century

National Archaeological Organizations
Society for American Archaeology
Archaeological Institute of America
Society for Historical Archaeology
National Park Service Archeology
National Register of Historic Places

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