Vermont Town & City Profiles
Discover Vermont by exploring the 260 Vermont towns and cities. The contents of Vermont Living Magazine are divided into five regions which contain the 14 Vermont counties; The Champlain Valley Region (Addison, Chittenden, Grand Isle, and Franklin counties), The North Central Vermont (Washington, Lamoille, and Orange counties), The Northeast Kingdom (Caledonia, Orleans, and Essex counties), South Central Vermont (Rutland, and Windsor counties), and Southern Vermont (Bennington, and Windham counties). You will find a page on every Vermont town by following the links below or view our Vermont Town Directory to find VT Towns listed from A to Z. Please share your Vermont town photos, comments and business reviews. To promote your business in – Vermont’s Internet Magazine, contact us.
Vermont Town & City Guide
View a photo tour of Vermont Towns and Cities.
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Click here to view a Directory of Vermont Towns from A-Z

Discover all Vermont towns and cities. Champlain Valley, Northeast Kingdom, North-Central, South-Central and Southern Vermont.
Champlain Valley VT Towns & Cities
Burlington, Middlebury, St. Albans, the Islands of NW Vermont
North Central VT Towns & Cities
Montpelier, Barre, Randolph, Waterbury, Stowe, Mad River Valley
Northeast Kingdom VT Towns & Cities
St. Johnsbury, Newport, Barton, Lyndonville, Burke, Jay, Island Pond
South Central VT Towns & Cities
Rutland, White River Jct., Woodstock, Quechee, Brandon, Killington, Ludlow, Weston, Chester
Southern VT Towns & Cities
Bennington, Brattleboro, Manchester, Arlington, Newfane, Mt. Snow area
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