Champlain Valley VT Hiking Guide
Hikes in the Green Mountain National Forest
If your outdoor interests are piqued by the prospect of hiking a diverse trail system over varied terrain, encountering panoramic vistas, breathing fresh mountain air, splashing in brisk alpine streams, and resting in forests abundant with wildlife, then you have found your outdoor paradise in the mountains and woodlands of Champlain Valley Vermont. Yes, Vermont is a wonderful place to hike and explore. Vermont offers miles of woodland walks, hikes and trails in the beautiful Champlain Valley. Please share your Vermont hikes and comments. To feature your VT business, contact us.
Champlain Valley VT Hikes & Trails
Middlebury Inn, 14 Courthouse Square, Middlebury, VT 05753 | 802-388-4961
With 71 guest rooms, the Middlebury Inn offers the perfect blend of modern comfort and classic historic charm. Welcoming travelers since 1827, the inn now has all of the amenities of a full service hotel, including fine dining, a pub, and meeting and banquet space to accommodate your Vermont wedding. Located between Burlington and Rutland and convenient to many Vermont attractions, this inn is perfect for that pampered fresh-air getaway, family reunion or professional retreat.
Visit Middlebury Inn - Middlebury, VT
Batell Trail (Mount Abraham) – Lincoln, Vermont
Total Distance: 5.2 Miles
Hiking Time: 5 Hours
Vertical Rise: 2500 ft.
Rating: Strenuous
In the Green Mountain National Forest
From Lincoln, follow Quaker St. to Elder Hill Rd. (USFS Road FR 350) and follow bearing right at Ball Diamond Rd. As road narrows bear left to stay on FR 350 to trail head parking on left. Hike begins across from parking area at trailhead sign and follows blue-blazed Battell Trail 2 miles to junction with Long Trail, then straight uphill to the Battell Shelter with bunk space for 6-8 hikers. Continue up Long Trail over old carriage road and then up steep grades with exposed rock face, before ascending to the 4,006 foot summit. Your return hike follows the same trails back to the parking area.
Cooley Glen Trail (Mount Grant) – South Lincoln, Vermont
Total Distance: 8.4 Miles
Hiking Time: 6 Hours
Vertical Rise: 1960 ft.
Rating: Strenuous
In the Green Mountain National Forest
From South Lincoln, follow the Big Basin Road (USFS Road 201) 4.6 miles to USFS Dispersed Camping Site parking lot. Take the blue-blazed Cooley Glen Trail that follows the gravel road along the New Haven River. Trail blazes will sometimes be noted by blue-blazed rocks in the grassy road, and on trees farther along the trail. At 3.3 mile mark, trail intersects with Long Trail, which you follow several yards to the Cooley Glen Shelter with bunk space for 6-8 hikers. The hike from here to Mount Grant summit is less strenuous. Your return hike follows the same trials back to the parking area.
Emily Proctor Loop (Bread Loaf Mountain) – South Lincoln, Vermont
Total Distance: 8.6 Miles
Hiking Time: 6 Hours
Vertical Rise: 2235 ft.
Rating: Strenuous
In the Green Mountain National Forest
From South Lincoln, follow the Big Basin Road (USFS Road 201) 4.6 miles to USFS Dispersed Camping Site parking lot. From the trail head you will see the Cooley Glen Trail continuing along the road. Take the Emily Proctor Loop on your right, up a steep climb to the Bread Loaf Wilderness at 0.5 mile mark. Here the trail eases before beginning its steep, rocky assent. At 3.5 miles you reach the Emily Proctor Shelter, and just beyond to your right you intersect the white-blazed Long Trail. At 4.2 miles take the signed and blue-blazed Overlook Trail to the summit. Your return hike follows the same trails back to the parking area.
Island Farm Nature Trail – (Lake Champlain) – Burton Island, Vermont
Total Distance: 0.5 Mile
Hiking Time: 0.5 Hours
Vertical Rise: Fairly Level
Rating: Easy
In Burton Island State Park
The trail head is located at the Nature Center in Burton Island State Park. This easy walk is a short loop trail on a Lake Champlain island that is rich in history with old farmhouse remains, deep woods, and a segment that runs alongside a steep cliff. Your return hike follows the same trials back to the parking area.
Jerusalem Trail (Mount Ellen) – Bristol, Vermont
Total Distance: 8.6 Miles
Hiking Time: 5 Hours
Vertical Rise: 2580 ft.
Rating: Moderate
In the Green Mountain National Forest
From Jerusalem, follow the Jim Dwire Road to the trail head parking area. The trail begins gradually then ascends steeply through heavy forest to connect with Long Trail where it follows along the mountain ridge. A steep climbing segment skirts several ski trails before reaching the wooded summit of Vermont’s third-highest peak at 4,083 feet above sea level. Your return hike follows the same trails back to the parking area.
Silent Cliff Trail (Middlebury Gap) – East Middlebury, Vermont
Total Distance: 1.5 Miles
Hiking Time: 1 Hour
Vertical Rise: 520 ft.
Rating: Easy
In the Green Mountain National Forest
From East Middlebury follow State Road 125, 4 miles to trail head in Middlebury Gap. Trail follows Long Trail for the first 0.4 mile then ascends easily to Silent Cliff with good views of the Green Mountains and Middlebury Gap. Your return hike follows the same trails back to the parking area.
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Explore Vermont hiking trails in every region. Champlain Valley, Northeast Kingdom, North-Central, South-Central and Southern Vermont.
Champlain Valley VT Hikes & Trails
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North Central VT Hikes & Trails
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Northeast Kingdom VT Hikes & Trails
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South Central VT Hikes & Trails
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Southern VT Hikes & Trails
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